Pest Control

We offer professional services for all of your pest control needs to eliminate ants, bed bugs, beetles, roaches, spiders and other pesky insects. We understand that you do not want these nuisances in your home, office or business!

Your Inland Empire’s Pests Specialist!


Ants are a nuisance and are among the most common pests found in homes. Weather changes like hot sunny days, rainy and colder winter days can have an impact on their activity, they come in search of water, food or shelter. Southern California is home to a few different types that include the argentine ant carpenter ant, harvester ant, little black ant, odorous house ant, red imported fire ant, southern fire ant, thief ant and the velvety tree ant. Zbest Pest Management will customize a plan of action to deal with all of your infestation needs.

Ant Treatments

Zbest Pest Management will send a professional, state licensed – certified technician to do a thorough inspection of your home or property. Once the source of the infestation is identified, we will customize a treatment plan based on your needs and schedule. After the initial treatment we recommend continuing on with a regular treatment plan to keep ants out and prevent future infestations all year long.


  • Treat all crevices, cracks and baseboards with a non staining, odorless solution and or non staining, odorless baiting gel.
  • Interior services are typically required during the initial treatment and then occasionally upon requests.


  • A non-repellent pesticide will be applied around the perimeter of the home or property.
  • De-webbing of all eves, window, entry ways, structural edges and other areas where pests harbours.
  • Application of pesticide granules around all drip systems, plants, flowers, shrubs, grass areas, pools and fence lines.

Common Ants Found in Riverside & San Bernardino Counties

Argentine AntsThe most common ant in Southern California, a small dark colored ant approximately 3mm long that invades homes in search of food and water. Especially fond of sweets but will practically feed on any food. These ants do not attack or compete with each other which has helped them spread prolifically. These ants are not poisonous to humans but can infiltrate your home swifty and take over your kitchen, pantries and bathrooms in a matter of hours.

Fire AntsLike Harvester Ants, red imported fire ants build their colonies in large mounds. However, they prefer loose soil like sand. These ants will sting to defend their mounds when disturbed. These stings have been known to cause allergic reactions in animals and humans who are allergic to their venom.

Carpenter AntsCarpenter ants are a wood-boring species of ant. They are often confused with termites because they build their colonies by boring tunnel systems into wood. These ants cause damage by weakening wood beams and other wooden structural material. In extreme cases, fumigation may be needed to remove the colony.Carpenter ants are a wood-boring species of ant. They are often confused with termites because they build their colonies by boring tunnel systems into wood. These ants cause damage by weakening wood beams and other wooden structural material. In extreme cases, fumigation may be needed to remove the colony.Carpenter ants are a wood-boring species of ant. They are often confused with termites because they build their colonies by boring tunnel systems into wood. These ants cause damage by weakening wood beams and other wooden structural material. In extreme cases, fumigation may be needed to remove the colony.

Little Black Antsnoticeably smaller than other ant species. Colonies are moderate to very large and may contain many queens. These small ants feed on grease, oil, meats, fruits and vegetable materials such as corn meal and sweets. The workers also feed on other insects, honey dew and plant secretions. They are commonly found in yards, wooded areas, pool areas, they nest under rocks, in rotting logs and under piles of brick or lumber. Indoors, their nest may be located in woodwork, wall voids, decaying wood, masonry and behind facades. These relatively harmless and common ants are little more than a nuisance, but you definitely do not want to see them invading your space!


Southern California is home to a few different types of bees. Bees mostly help pollinate flowers, but with the increase in Africanized honey bees combined with the drought we’ve seen in recent years, these bees are more aggressive while they search for food, water and shelter. All of our bee treatment services are customized to our client’s needs. Our service plan is based on the type of bees found and where they’ve established their hive. For more information about our customized bee treatment services, give us a call today!

Bee Treatments

When treating bee infestations, Zbest Pest Management will begin the process by sending our professional, state-licensed and certified technician to inspect your property and determine what type of bee infestation you’re experiencing. Once the source of the infestation is identified, we will customize a treatment plan based on your needs and schedule.


Once the hive has been located, we will open up the location and remove the hive along with damaged interior wood members, drywall, stucco, siding and insulation. After the area is cleared of hive material and honey, our technician will sanitize the area to eliminate pheromones. The sanitization process eliminates pheremones preventing future colonies from establishing themselves in the same location.


Africanized/Hybrid BeesAfricanized honey bees or hybridized bees are often referred to as killer bees due to their aggressive behavior. They look the same as honey bees, but they are very protective of their hive and will defend it in large numbers if they feel threatened. They can be provoked by loud noises and certain smells like barbecues, fires, smoke and even the breath of mammals. Although bees die after they sting, Africanized honey bees swarm their victims in such large numbers that multiple stings can be fatal. If you suspect an hybridized bee infestation, call us immediately for removal and stay indoors and away from the hive.

Bumble Beesare large round bees, mostly found in Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino counties during the spring months. These bees often live in low to the ground areas like gopher holes, underneath decks and other outdoor structures. These bees may defend their nests by stinging, and unlike other bees, they will not lose their stinger after they strike.

Carpenter beesget their unique name because they drill small holes in to wood to create their nests. These bees are usually found in small numbers and while they don’t typically pose a problem for people, they can cause damage to fences, wood posts, eaves and decks.

European Honey BeesHoney bees pollinate flowers and generally help the environment. Honey bees are mostly active during the spring, summer and fall months of the year in Orange and Riverside counties. These bees will defend their hive if necessary, so if you’re allergic to bee stings, it is important to relocate the hive. Since the climate in southern California is usually hot and dry year round, honey bees may be attracted to sources of water like pools and fountains. They may also establish hives in wall voids if they can access the space through cracks and crevices.


Crickets are a relative of the grasshopper. They can be found all over the world and there are over 900 different species of crickets. Crickets are mostly nocturnal and usually prefer to live in wood piles, rotted vegetation or compost heaps. Crickets are a normal part of our ecosystem in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. In large numbers, however, crickets can become a nuisance and a threat to sanitary conditions in your household. Crickets typically feed on vegetation, but they have also been known to eat book bindings, cardboard and sugary products. These pests can easily take over a yard space, garage or storage shed if left untreated.

Cricket Treatment

When treating cricket infestations, Zbest Pest Management will begin the process by sending our professional, state-licensed and certified technician to inspect your property and determine what type of infestation you’re experiencing. Once the source of the infestation is identified, we will customize a treatment plan based on your needs and schedule. After the initial treatment, we recommend beginning a regular treatment plan to keep crickets out all year long.

Depending on your property, severity of the infestation and your schedule, we offer ongoing cricket control services on a monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly basis. If you see any crickets between regularly scheduled treatments, we will come back for free to re-treat the area.


  • Treat all crevices, cracks and baseboards with a non staining, odorless solution.
  • Interior services are typically required during the initial treatment and then occasionally upon requests.


  • A non-repellent pesticide will be applied around the perimeter of the home or property.
  • De-webbing of all eves, window, entry ways, structural edges and other areas where pests harbours.
  • Application of pesticide granules around all drip systems, plants, flowers, shrubs, grass areas, pools and fence lines.


Cockroaches are scavenger pests that have evolved to live off the scraps of humans. These pests prefer starchy food substances, cereals, sugar products, cheese, grease and meat. They have also been known to consume cardboard, glue, leather and hair. Roaches form colonies in areas unseen around kitchens and bathrooms. Most cockroaches are known for squeezing in tight spaces to breed.

Cockroaches can enter a home or business in a few different ways. Some are able to access a kitchen or bathroom through the pipes, others come inside when doors and windows are left open, and some can move through shared walls in multi-unit structures. No matter how a cockroach gains entrance to your home, the infestation must be stopped immediately. When you see one cockroach, there are probably many more in areas you can’t see. Cockroaches are a health concern because they breed and live in and around food prepping areas. Cockroach droppings can cause asthma as well as spread disease, which is why it is very important to treat an infestation as soon as you see the first roach.

Cockroach Treatment

When treating cockroach infestations, Zbest Pest Management will begin the process by sending our professional, state-licensed and certified technician to inspect your property and determine what type of infestation you’re experiencing. Once our technician has found the source of the infestation, We will customize a plan to rid your home, restaurant, or office of roaches. After the initial treatment, we recommend beginning a regular treatment plan to keep cockroaches out all year long.

Cockroach Baiting

Indoor cockroach infestations are best treated with a combination of gel baits which is a non-repellent pesticide. Gel baits work by placing the gel in cracks and crevices around the infested areas. Cockroaches are known for squeezing into these tight spaces and they will consume the gel. The gel is later regurgitated for the nest, which then exposes the colony to the pesticide in the gel bait. This is a preferred method of treatment because traditional sprays cannot always reach the colonies in infested areas.

Cockroaches Found in  Riverside & San Bernardino Counties

American cockroaches – typically found outdoors, but they can enter homes when windows are left open and they have been known to enter through pipes. Americans can be identified by their reddish-brown color. They prefer warm climates and rotten food and will often leave their egg sacs near food prep areas.

German cockroaches identified by their pale brown color and 2 dark stripes down the length of their bodies. These roaches have wings, but do not fly. They love moisture and can be found near water sources. German cockroaches prefer warm, humid areas like kitchens and bathrooms. They may also be found in crevices between microwaves, ovens and other heat generating appliances. This breed of cockroach is difficult to control because they carry egg sacks on their backs.

Oriental cockroaches found both indoors and outside. They are long and dark brown or black in color with shiny bodies that are approximately 1.25 inches long, much larger than German, American or Brown-banded cockroaches. Oriental roaches are commonly found in damp areas like sinks, bathtubs, pipes and other areas close to water. Turkestan cockroaches are typically found outdoors, but they can enter homes when windows are left open and they have been known to enter through pipes. These pests are almost exclusively found at night because they avoid daylight.


Fleas are a common parasite found around southern California. A common misconception about fleas is that you need to have pets for an infestation to occur. Unfortunately, you can get fleas even if you don’t own pets. This is because fleas can be introduced to a yard in a variety of ways if other pests like rats, rabbits or gophers are present. You can also bring them home by walking through an infested park. Fleas can hitch a ride on shoes and socks. Fleas are notoriously difficult to get rid of because their eggs can hatch up to one year after they’ve been laid. All they need is a nearby source of heat and movement to trigger the hatching process. It is important to treat a home or property inside and out when dealing with fleas, as well as have all animals in the home treated at the same time to avoid recontamination.

Fleas are difficult to exterminate because of their 4 stage life cycle, egg, larva, pupa and adult. Normal flea populations consist of 50% eggs, 35% larvae, 10% pupae and 5% adults. An adult flea can drop hundreds of eggs in its short life span. Each egg will hatch and breed within a few days, repeating the life cycle.There are no pesticides on the market that can eliminate eggs, so pest professionals have to wait for the eggs to hatch before fleas are exposed to the growth regulators and pesticide. It is very important to prepare before a flea service by vacuuming all carpeted surfaces and scheduling flea baths for pets during the time your home is being treated. Vacuuming will trigger the flea eggs in carpets to hatch because fleas are attracted to the heat and movement of the vacuum. Once your pets are treated, they will not reintroduce fleas to the home.

Flea Treatment

When treating flea infestations, Zbest Pest Management will begin the process by sending our professional, state-licensed and certified technician to inspect your property and determine the extent of the infestation you’re experiencing. Once we have identified the scope of the infestation, we will customize a plan to rid your home or office of fleas. After the initial treatment, we recommend beginning a regular treatment plan to keep fleas out all year long. If you see fleas between regularly scheduled treatments, we will come back for free to re-treat the area.

In order to fully exterminate a flea infestation, we will need to come back and retreat the property 14-21 days after the initial treatment. This is because fleas have a 4 stage life cycle and initial treatment will only kill the adults. After the initial treatment, we recommend beginning a regular treatment plan to keep fleas out of your yard all year long. We offer monthly, bi-monthly and quarterly services based on your needs and schedule. For more information about our flea service treatments, please call us today!


Southern California is home to a variety of spiders. Some species are harmless to humans but a nuisance in the garden. Others are harmful for your pets and family to come into contact with. Black widow spiders have very painful bites. A black widow bite can cause temporary paralysis and illness. Black widows are especially dangerous for small children and pets. Keep venomous spiders away from your family and pets. Seek immediate medical attention if you, your family member or pet has been bitten.

Spider Treatment

When treating spider infestations, Zbest Pest Management will begin the process by sending our professional, state-licensed and certified technician to inspect your property and determine what type of infestation you’re experiencing. Once the source of the infestation is identified, we will customize a treatment plan based on your needs and schedule. After the initial treatment, we recommend beginning a regular treatment plan to keep spiders out all year long.

Depending on your property, severity of the infestation and your schedule, we offer ongoing spider control services on a monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly basis. If you see any spiders between regularly scheduled treatments, we will come back for free to re-treat the area.


  • Treat all crevices, cracks and baseboards with a non staining, odorless solution.
  • Interior services are typically required during the initial treatment and then occasionally upon requests.


  • A non-repellent pesticide will be applied around the perimeter of the home or property.
  • De-webbing of all eves, window, entry ways, structural edges and other areas where pests harbours.
  • Application of pesticide granules around all drip systems, plants, flowers, shrubs, grass areas, pools and fence lines. 

Spiders Found In Riverside & San Bernardino Counties

Black widow spiders are identified by their shiny black bodies and the red hourglass shape on the abdomen. These spiders build abstract webs close to the ground, under patio furniture or play sets. Widows only become aggressive when the web is disturbed, which is why you should never dismantle a web on your own. Their bites are painful and sometimes fatal to pets and small children. If you or a family member have been bitten by a black widow, contact your doctor immediately. Wolf spiders found around southern California in desert and coastal areas. These spiders have excellent eyesight and have evolved to be lone hunters. Wolf spiders are often found outdoors in wood piles, shrubs and compost heaps. Their bites are not fatal, but they do cause skin minor irritation. Garden spiders build elaborate webs to trap flies and other pests like aphids. Garden spiders are often colorful and large. Although these spiders are not a threat to humans like the recluse or the widow, they can be a nuisance in the garden.


Wasps are similar to bees, except their sting is more painful and they have the ability to sting multiple times. Wasps set up nests in areas where there is a steady source of food and water. There are a few different types of wasps that are commonly found in the Riverside and San Bernardino Counties.

Wasp Treatment

When treating wasp infestations, Zbest Pest Management will begin the process by sending our professional, state-licensed and certified technician to inspect your property and determine what type of infestation you’re experiencing. Once the source of the infestation is identified, we will customize a treatment plan based on your needs and schedule. After the initial treatment, we recommend beginning a regular treatment plan to keep wasps out all year long.


  • Treat all crevices, cracks and baseboards with a non staining, odorless solution.
  • Interior services are typically required during the initial treatment and then occasionally upon requests.


  • A non-repellent pesticide will be applied around the perimeter of the home or property.
  • De-webbing of all eves, windows, entry ways, structural edges and other areas where pests harbours.
  • Application of pesticide granules around all drip systems, plants, flowers, shrubs, grass areas, pools and fence lines. 

Wasp Found in Riverside & San Bernardino Counties

Mud daubers – get their unique name because they build their nests from mud. These unsightly nests are often attached to ceilings, eaves and overhangs. Mud daubers are typically non-aggressive and rarely sting people. Yellow jackets similar in colour to the paper wasp, except they are primarily yellow with black markings. Like other wasps, yellow jackets build their nests in eaves, attics, ceilings and overhangs. Yellow jackets feed on small insects, but they’re also attracted to meat and food waste, which is why they are attracted to barbeques, trash cans and picnics. Paper wasps can be identified by their coloring, which is mostly black with yellow markings. Their honeycombed-shaped nests are often found under eaves and in overgrown bushes. Paper wasps are commonly seen drinking from pools and fountains. These wasps are not typically aggressive, but when one is killed, it releases a pheromone that attracts other paper wasps to the area.


are small blood-sucking insects that depend on standing water to reproduce. Mosquito season in Southern California can be as early as March (depending on warmer weather) thru November. Southern California is host to many different species of the mosquito family and unfortunately in our region we are subject to being bitten from dusk till dawn. Female mosquitoes must feed on blood to lay eggs. They feed by sticking their mouthparts into the skin of humans and animals, rapidly sucking blood. Sometimes mosquitoes carry viruses such as West Nile, Dengue, Chikungunya, Malaria and others that can be transmitted to humans while the mosquito is feeding. Mosquitoes also pose a threat to our household pets, causing heartworms in our dogs when bitten.  Due to their four stage life cycle and egg reproduction mosquitoes are hard to eradicate!

Mosquito Pest Control Service

When treating for mosquito infestations Zbest Pest Management will begin the process by sending our professional, state-licensed and certified technician to inspect the property and determine problematic areas where infestations may occur. Upon a thorough inspection our technician will customize a treatment plan based on your needs and schedule. After the initial treatment we recommend a bi weekly service during mosquito season to prevent recurring infestations, to keep you, your loved ones and pets safe. One time treatments are available for your outdoor ceremonies, parties or special events.


Now offering In2Care Mosquito Systems
  • Contact residual applied to problematic infestation areas and breeding areas.
  • All organic repellent solution applied to the outside perimeter of your home or property after the first initial treatment.

Mosquitoes Found in Riverside & San Bernardino Counties

Culexisthe most prevalent genus of mosquito in Southern California. They are persistent, have a painful bite and are most active at dusk and after dark. Some species may fly up to 10 miles. These mosquitoes primarily feed on birds but can also bite humans. They are known as major vectors for diseases such as West Nile Virus, St. Louis Encephalitis and Western Equine Encephalitis. They are often reddish brown and feed while horizontal. Aedes (ankle biter mosquito) – unlike our typical mosquitos are day biters with the ability to bite multiple times and can bite all day long. They can breed in the tiniest bit of stagnant water, even in a space as small as a cap of water outdoors and indoors. Their eggs can last up to a year, making them difficult to eradicate. They prefer humans as their hosts and can carry very serious diseases, but if your dog is bitten they can contract heartworms which can be fatal. Anopheles – known to be the only mosquito that can transmit malaria to humans. Although malaria is no longer common in Southern California, outbreaks can still occur when infected travelers return home after being fed upon by local mosquitoes. The larvae are often found in rivers, streams, in algae mats and cattail stands. The females are strong fliers and can fly for 5 miles or more and feed head down at a 45-degree angle.


Get A Free Inspection

We will do a free comprehensive inspection of your home, office or business to find those problematic areas that are allowing pests in.  Then we will customize an individualized plan of action for all your pest control needs.  Being proactive on the outside keeps your family, pets and loved ones safe on the inside!

Your Inland Empire’s Pests Specialist!

Call (909) 809 – 1600